We can’t bring our Tara back…
…but we can do our part to keep what happened to our beautiful girl from happening to another young mother. The Tara Brown Foundation is directed and managed by Natalie Hinton, Jonny Gardner and Erin Robertson. We are Tara’s family. We loved and cared for Tara but in the end, that wasn’t enough. We know now that women like Tara need safe, liveable shelters run by professional organisers, counsellors and security. Successfully escaping the clutches of a violent, controlling partner takes monumental courage on the part of the woman but that’s just the start. Once freed, she and her children need an impenetrable sanctuary and professional guidance. That part costs money. And that’s where the rest of us come in.
There are many great women’s shelters and refuges already available but to keep their doors open and locations secure they all need continuing refreshers on their funding. Plus we need a lot more shelters and professionals to run them. The Tara Brown Foundation is committed to raising the funds necessary to help keep qualified facilities up and running to protect those faced with the consequences of Domestic Violence.
With your help the Tara Brown Foundation can distribute much-needed funds to facilities in need and help create more shelters. But we can’t do it without you. Please help us help others. And be generous. Like someone’s life depends on it.